Sunday, March 4, 2012

Latest doodles and frustration

 So... here are the latest of my odd little doodles.  My new book and its paper are very different and I'm still playing around with how things work on it.

Outside of that.... right now, in another area of life... frustration is my title for today.  I'm frustrated, angry, fed up and just want to crawl under a rock.  I am tired of the fight, tired of the battle, tired of the failure.  Tired of everything.  Sick of being broken.   Just wanna scream, yell, cry and be "EMO" as some call it.  I call it feeling like SHIT.   What really sux is that its all about Health and Money.  I HATE THEM BOTH.    Just I am just... so done right now.  Maybe I'll feel different tomorrow but anger and hurt and general bleep bleepidy bleep is how I am feeling today.

Today the world is just a huge lonely ball of living things and I don't feel like I belong on it.