SO, in less than two weeks I will be moving into an apartment that is half the size of my home and will be very much alone 99% of the time. For one, I hate moving... but this ... this goes way beyond hating to move. The pain inside is overwhelming and sleep is fleeting at best. I'm hurt and spend more way too much time crying. BUT ... I have to suck it up and get my shit together by next Friday. And by that I mean ALL my shit together, gotta get the rest of my stuff packed (a good portion has to wait to the very last day!... ugh) Gotta get electric and internet turned on at the apartment. Gotta get the water and gas swapped over to the "wasbunds" name asap. Gotta light a fire under the attorney's ass or shall I say the paralegal's ass!!! Getting really fed up with that whole deal. Uncontested means SIMPLE... but these people are trying their best to complicate it because then they can make more money... or so they think. Really I'm at a loss, for someone who is supposed to be helping ME out they are doing quite the opposite! I'm in desperate need of Temporary Orders of Spousal Support and proof of continued medical coverage until said time that the divorce is final and permanent orders are in effect. I have absolutely no way to prove income of any kind other than the measly $805 via SSD which at the moment is not $805 because they keep taking out the Part B when I've sent them the card to opt out! Ugh.
Anyways, so it has been almost three full months since the D-bomb was dropped and I'm finally getting away from the house, it hurts like hell but I supposed not being around him daily will hurt less .... eventually. You would think that by now I would just be angry at him for not wanting to be my husband, but he makes it hard to be angry when he is doing all that he is for me. But the hurt is still very overwhelming. Anyways, figured an update was in order.
All in all ... I'm not at all in a good place emotionally and have no idea how to get thru this, just making it thru each day one at a time is hard enough!
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