Monday, June 20, 2011

What about today?

Yesterday's doodle...3x5
The weekend was rough, each day seems to be a challenge.  I am not sure what to expect next from this stupid head of mine.  Saturday started off good and mid day took a turn, then by early evening I was miserable.  I ended up going to bed fairly early (for as Saturday) due to pain and well, its just easier if I'm asleep.  For some reason my episodes increase and the day progresses and so the mornings are easier than the evenings.  Once I lay down the chills subside and I read for a few minutes and go to sleep.  I don't sleep very soundly but at least I'm resting some so that the next day I get a little break in the a.m.

I don't want to be a downer all the time, this whole ordeal has become a major emotional problem for me.  I really thought I was going to be on my way to normal when my body decided to start back tracking.  I'm lost not know what is going on and frustrated that no one has any answers.  I'm still waiting for some test results, I won't get one of them for a while because it had to be sent off to a lab in another state.  I'm still waiting for my Neuro to return my call to reschedule that appointment (really still sort of irritated with that office).  But... no answers, no treatment.  I have a pain killer that helps some but not near enough, that is for the joint pain in the evenings mainly.  The neuro will put me back on seizure meds, but its still a bit of a shot in the dark so who knows what is next.

SO... today... I'm just dealing and trying to learn patience and tolerance ... and I SUCK at it! 

I sure hope to anyone who is bothering to read this crap that your day is going good for you! 
