I do believe this morning was a continuation of one of "those" Mondays. LOL I ended up getting out of bed at 6:30 so that I could hit Walmart before the crowd and so that I could get home early enough for us to make a trip to the Income Division to see about getting my daughter on NM assistance. We ended up not leaving until almost 11am, which put us there during lunch hours and so half the staff is gone. I had one cranky kid on my hands and an even crankier grandbaby. And we were there for quite a while so you can imagine how that went and in the end we couldn't get anything done because we need paperwork to show them for certain things. Ugh. Well we got it started at least. Next time my daughter can go by herself to the office, turns out don't need me there for proof of residency evidently. At least we all survived, the debatable part is with how much sanity left.
It's Tuesday which means it is my bowling league night. I hope I do well. Hopefully I'm not as nervous this time. I need to get to talking to my teammates more. I just don't know what to talk about. And they know other people so I'm kind of a loner in this. I really want to become a "part of" it all and not feel like I'm standing on the outside. We'll see how tonight goes.
For now I'm gonna go play some BDO I think and pass some time before I need to get ready to go.