Once I moved back to this state I remember why I left it back when I was a young adult. And I'll tell you what... I'm am soooo sooooo very sick of seeing the words "green chili" that I just want to scream! Even your major food chains have at least one item on their menu here in ABQ that has "green chili" OMG these people here are so seriously obsessed with these damn things and I can't stand them hardly at all.
Anyways, the baby was due November 15th and so at least we had some time to prepare. (as best you can in situations like this) My daughter has a friend that lives in DFW that wanted to come down and visit, she/they decided that she would be dedicated to being the replacement for the absentee father in a platonic relationship with my daughter and just move here to ABQ permanently. Basically there were promises made that she would get a job, help me with the bills and then get out and on her own into an apartment. Well she got the job, paid me $40 on the second paycheck then missed a lot of work for a while. After she got back to working regularly again she chose to spend all her money on herself or the baby or smokes. (oh that is another story too!) She ended up leaving and moving back to Texas not long after the baby was born. Her last paycheck my daughter made her give me some money, I got $40 more. This friend seemed to have a good head on her shoulders, she talked a good talk but she wasn't able to walk it or didn't want to. Seems she was not so dedicated as she told my daughter she was after all.

SO,.. time line, April 24th daughter moved here, August 13th her friend moved here, baby Katyana born October 17th, friend left November 17th. Weeeee so much fun. So that is the short of it all... Oh wait also I got the shingles from all the stress and lack of sleep etc. Weeee 47 and already have to deal with that shit too. that happened right around the time the friend was leaving.
Well now I'm having to make a trip to DFW so my daughter can take the child to see her father. Tho he hasn't shown any interest at all and his girlfriend, I mean fiance' does all the talking for him (and I can't stand the little !#$#@. ) More money I do not have. Wouldn't be as bad if I could get my EX to follow court orders, instead he has decided that the order was written wrong and that it is not what he agreed upon during our "amicable" divorce. It was only amicable until he got a girlfriend 5 days after moving me out of our home - that I gave him in the divorce. In the divorce I'm supposed to get a 2% raise in support every two years. Well in the decree it states that it goes from his current payroll statement at the time of each raise. He seems to think we supposedly agreed to 2% of the initial 20% back when we divorced. He's gotten three 3% raises so he really doesn't want to loose the money and is throwing a little shit fit and saying that I'm not honoring our agreement. Yup still an asshole.

If I could find a way to Win the Lotto and get rid of having to rely on his support it would be a wonderful thing. Unfortunately you have to play to win and the chances are quite slim. The stress of this most recent issue is not good and I'm worried about another shingles break out. When I have a break out I can't touch the baby without gloves etc if I've touch anywhere on my skin where the shingles are, plus it's painful... so I really do NOT want it to be back again so soon. I was lucky to have gotten rid of it as fast as I did the first time.
Well I've written a lot here and need to shut up and pay some bills and get back to working on the garage etc. Life??? Me??? have my own??? NOT!
Anyways, toodles for now!
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