Also, in May, those amazing little kitties continued to grow and bounce and play while I was away. I came back to this much bigger babies. Then we found a home for two of the three and the third is staying here with us! Birdie is my little snuggle fluff baby. She is quite an amazing little creature herself, tho I have to say, my legs and her have a unique relationship that I would soon like to END. I have some serious wounds from this little one. She likes to jump onto my legs while I have them propped up under my keyboard tray and well, a lot of the times she doesn't land well and then uses claws to get where she wants to go. Needless to say, the blood and me are not happy.
Art has been in the background of my mind lately. Been working towards getting health issues under control, getting the disability stuff filed again. I got sick right after returning home, thanks to the wonderful man who sat next to me on the plane trip from Fort Lauderdale to Dallas for his generosity in sharing his Yankee cold! UGH. (I helped him open his NyQuil while he made himself a hot tottie with hot tea and a Jack Daniels, no lemon tho... they didn't have any.) This darn cold has really held on tight. I got over the main part of it and can't seem to shake the cough and congestion. I need to get over it so my system is strong enough to deal with the next step, which is that I am having arthroscopic knee surgery on the 20th of June. It is to clean out the joint again so that maybe I can work on the physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around the knee and have more mobility!
I have so many things that I want to do, so many things that I need to do, things that need to be done, things I don't wanna do.... my motivation and energy are really low tho and I am fighting daily to get moving. Gotta get over this SICK.
Oh and a small rant (I'll try to keep this short!) My soon to be FORMER neurologist, Dr. Ortstadt, has turned out to be what I sensed all along, a real jerk and of NO help to me in any way shape fashion or form. He never really paid any attention to my files/records. Spent evidently zero time reading things, just sent me for tests and read the "reports" and then made his little snap judgement of what the problem seems to be. He decided that a diagnosis is not necessary, nor is any real treatment evidently. When I asked him to possibly write a letter to for my attorney for my disability he answered with some seriously rude words. I am NOT at all happy with this and am now set up to see a NEW neurologist. I will NEVER set foot back into Ortstadt's office again! And now every time I experience an episode and all the pain hits I just wish I had a way to transfer that to Dr. "don't know how to change your perception" ... my perception is that I am in pain, that I have difficulty functioning at times due to these "episodes", that I can't even see straight or walk straight due to this crap and OMG I could go on. I'll stop now tho! I really have restrained from returning a letter of displeasure, because it will not effect the man. He probably wouldn't even read it anyway. He spent all of a total of maybe 30 minutes with me divided into two office visits over the past 8 months, Yeah, 2 appointments, one in October and one in April. Wonder why I can't get better!!!???? I need someone who is going to give a shit, who is going to be willing to go the extra mile to find answers, someone who CARES about my being in pain and what is causing it. I need a REAL doctor. I'm tired of not being important enough to take up space in their minds. I can only imagine the money these guys make, so they have no idea what it is like anymore to struggle. Frustrating to say the least!

Okay, so with all that... I will hush my mouth now. I need to go find food!
Your grandkids are adorable. Hope your daughter is much better. The kitties are so cute. Is the fluffy one Birdie? Get well soon.Rebecca
ReplyDeleteThank you, and yes, my daughter is doing better.
DeleteYuppers, the little white fluffy thing is my Birdie, she is such a sweetie!
Thanks for the well wishes! :)