Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In need of funds so ... Shameless Plug

Visit my Etsy shop = Cybie's Originals
Visit my Etsy shop = Cybie's Originals
Visit my Etsy shop = Cybie's Originals
Visit my Etsy shop = Cybie's Originals

I am going to attempt to start working on more jewelry for my shop, maybe some more runes.  I am also hoping to add a few other miscellaneous crafty things and some art prints.  (with any luck my health will at least give me that much... prayers and/or healing energy is welcome!) 

My doctor appointment today basically just confirmed the direction we are going in, tho I do get very frustrated with trying to communicate with Neurologists.  They are narrow minded and don't always read up or research or listen to what you say.  BUT thanks to my husband being with me and my persistence and research we are getting somewhere ... slowly.  I have more tests ordered.  The pulmonary function test and chest x-rays (in an attempt to rule out sarcoidosis -docs words)  then finally got him to order a current MRI w/wo contrast.

With some luck sometime soon we'll have some answers... a treatment of some kind for relief of all this crap so that I can get back to life would be GREAT! 

Also just continuing my seizure meds at 100mg for now.  Follow up will be dependent upon what we find out from the tests ordered.  SO... with all of that, we are in serious serious financial need to cover the copays and expenses of all these tests.  OMG they are high.   SO... I'm pimping my shop and am planning on pimping some art and if you see anything on my Deviant Art site that you would be interesting in purchasing a print of please message me!!!

My Deviant Art Page:  http://cybelemoon.deviantart.com/
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/CybelemoonPSK

Please feel free to spread the word, I need all the help I can get at this point!  :D

Hugs to all!

Friday, July 15, 2011

On the way....

Haven't really done any artsy doodles this week.  Having a long rough week.  My daughter is now back in here in the DFW area, things didn't work out where she was and its a long long story.  I'm happy she is here but really wish things had gone a little different.  She had to give up a lot, including her car to get back home.  :(    I am not able to help her and that makes it even harder at this point.  She is now back at square one, with no job and no car.  BUT with a hard lesson learned.

As far as me... Communication with this stupid Neurologist's office is non existent and it is really pissing me off.  I have called that office 4 times and not gotten a return call yet.  I called my primary care doctor and spoke to the nurse there and they called and requested the results to be faxed ... manged to get them and they called me this morning.  The ACE levels were still very high, and on the lab report were scribbled notes from the doc that they are going to order more tests, a pulmonary test, a sarcoid skin test and there were other things scribbled that she couldn't make out.  SO... they are going in the direction I expected.

Now it is just about getting the communication with this doctors office to improve... this lack of communication is unacceptable. But at least I'm on the way to a diagnosis of some kind.

Friday, July 8, 2011

No real news yet...

Seahorse, pen and marker on metallic watercolors.
Doodle windows, pen and marker on metallic watercolors.
I stumbled back for some glue and dug in my junk mail to do a little collage... something different!

     Other than my actual lab results came in the mail and the ACE level was 108 and well norm is around 40 and the reference range is 9-67 U/L.  SO yeah... just a bit high.  O.o   Going back in a couple of hours from now to have the 2nd draw done to see if its still that high, higher or lower.  Then who knows whats next. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Test update and more...

So I got a response from the doc, out of 18 tests ONE came back abnormal.  SO he wants to rerun that test to get new numbers.  Basically my (ACE) angiotensin-converting enzymes are abnormal and one of the main diagnosis associated with that is Sarcoidosis and well looking that up it fits as does the development of Neurosarcoidosis.  Anyway its all guess work on my part but wow it sure fits to a tee.  Anyways... here are my doodles for yesterday and this morning.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Just sharing doodles...

Not much to say really... just sharing what is helping keep me somewhat sane!

Oh and here is an older one I totally forgot....

Friday, July 1, 2011

Keeping on keepin on...

So, no answers yet, doctors office is closed today and Monday for the holiday.  I called yesterday and they still didn't have all the results and reports they needed and said it would be sometime next week before they may know anything.  I find myself getting more and more depressed about the whole situation.  I feel like a prisoner in my own home because I can't even go get groceries around the corner, I can't go grab and ice cream (don't need it anyways but still...)  I took a big chance last week and drove to the post office to get some vital documents sent to my daughter that she had to have fast.  So I went right after I woke up because that is the best part of my day and the time I seem to be the least likely to have the seizures etc.  I was still scared and it was probably 15 minutes after I got home with I started having problems.  But having to have someone else take me everywhere really sucks!  :(  It is hard enough for me to accept my lack of physical abilities but all of it together takes away my feeling of being the independent woman I have always been known to be.  ... I'm rambling... enough for now.