Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Update: Doc visit etc

UPDATE: I just got back from the Neuro doc and he feels that there are two possible things going on with me. That the seizures are only a small part of what I'm dealing with because too many of my symptoms are not neurological and he feels that they are connective tissue disorder or infectious disease that hasn't been detected yet. Or several other types of disorders and diseases I can't remember. He seems a bit confused about it all and is referring me back to my primary to continue random tests. But in the meantime is treating me for the simple partial seizure issuess. We'll see what happens over time. Its very frustrating, and is going to get very expensive too!  In the meantime I continue to fight thru my days with all the symptoms it will take 6 to 12 weeks to get my meds up to a level that controls the seizures (if I stay on the one med and don't have to change). Then deal with tests and more tests. BUT they have ruled out any standard viral and bacterial infections, my cbc comes out good, my blood cultures tests came out good, my lyme and mono tests came back negative, there are no obvious or simplistic answers so now we start testing for other things. Lupus was one that he mentioned. Its all very irritating and frustrating!

SO that is my update, sorry to have bored you! Maybe one day soon I'll post something with some ANSWERS.

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