First the infamous doodle finished 11 days ago... |
Update: No new information on health issues, frustrated and irritated as most people would when everything is happening in slow motion, when it comes to getting tests and no answers and more tests and no answers etc. All the money that is going down the drain in the process is adding up so fast and I have no idea how we are going to pay for it all.
I'm trying to put more energy into crafting ideas that I can sell, but my energy and emotions are dragging me under fast. I don't know if I can keep afloat much longer and I'm aware of it, I know that is the important part, but I can't afford to add anything else to the mix at this point. My depression is eating me alive... almost literally. So now there are the symptoms of the depression melding in with everything else. How OH how am I ever going to be back on solid ground?
So... with that said. Today was among one of many frustrating days. I started out my day trying to make a specific item for someone, the original concept is perfect, the materials I have at hand... not so much. Now its almost midnight... still no real answer, but a little closer.
But what really took my cake today was that I spent too much of my time fighting an issue on my personal Facebook page. Seems that some people are so opinionated that they feel it necessary to shove it into other peoples faces forcefully and then when shut down, attack again in that same personal space. MY personal space.
Metaphorically, picture this:
Its like having someone you made an acquaintance with show up at your front door, you figure, okay come on in, have a cup of tea. Before the tea has time to properly steep this "guest" has insulted your decor and your choice of pets loudly and in your face. You decide, okay well how about we pass on tea and you go ahead make leave quietly. BUT... no it can't be that simple. This "guest" chooses to squat in your lawn instead, posts a sign in your front yard accusing you of being an ungracious host and in the process also insults your intelligence loudly and publicly on your own front lawn!
What would you do?
Now, I didn't personally know this person all too well, I added them as a friend on FB because we had a "group" in common. A mistake I will now learn from. I am a giving and understanding person, I meet few strangers and even fewer enemies. This hit me as a true surprise. So today I blocked my first person on Facebook and in the process also unfriended someone who supported the behavior of my "attacker".
I have already been feeling a little dumped on by some of the people I have met in certain areas of the crafting community, but this hurt. I'm not saying I've not met some wonderful, awesome, amazing and giving people also in the crafting community. Its like anywhere tho, there seems to always be a bad apple. Today I got a bitter taste in my mouth, and now I am a just that much more skeptical.
And tho I doubt anyone will even read this stupid blog of mine (I do only have five watchers) at least I can say I got it off my chest.
Guess I should really try and sleep now. Oh yeah. G'night world.